

Involvement in higher education programs

Our researchers and lecturers provide and coordinate courses at Nantes Veterinary School in the fields of anatomy, histology and veterinary pathology, applied mathematics and statistics.

We are also involved in teaching activities of programs of University of Nantes: Licence “L1- Biologie-Biochimie (BB) & Sciences de la vie, de la Terre et de l’environnement; L3 “Parcours Biotechnologies”; Master "BBRT" (M2 "Biothérapies & médicaments de thérapie innovante").


PAnTher welcomes and trains students from different programs and backgrounds (BTS, IUT, licence, master, veterinary school, pharmacy, medicine, engineering) for 2 to 6 months internships in the frame of research and innovation projects.

PhD training

The PAnTher laboratory welcomes graduate students in the frame of the Biology and Health doctoral school (ED BS) of the University of Nantes, which is the structure gathering PhD candidates from the University. PhD students also benefit from our institutions’ training resources such as the INRAE program on scientific publication and communication Papirus.

Scientific training

The developments carried out by APEX are shared with the scientific community through local, national or international training.

Annual training courses are organized for PhD students, scientists and engineers implicated in research and about 15 individual training sessions are provided each year with the chief concern of meeting the specific objectives of each participant.

Examples of fields of training: fluorescence bio-imaging, histomorphometry, basic lesion identification and tissue sampling…

The pathologists of APEX are also regularly involved in continuing education in veterinary pathology for biologists and pathologists.

Past training events:

  • 2015-2019: Co-organisation of "La folle journée de l'imagerie nantaise"
  • 2018: Animation of workshop on tissue clearing and depth imaging at MiFoBio, CNRS school on functional microscopy in biology
  • 2019: Co-organisation of CNRS National Training Action on tissue clearing
  • 2019: Co-organisation of Scientific and Technologic days for National network of INRAE microscopists (RMUI)
  • 2020: Co-organisation of Web JST RMUI 2020 for National network of INRAE microscopists (RMUI)
  • 2021: APEX Visioconference on cell tracking in thick sample at the LSM Webinar organised by INRAE/Univ. Tours

Public outreach

We always enjoy sharing our work through workshops, exhibitions and discussions, during public events such as the Nantes' Science festival or the Researchers' Night. Keep posted!


PAnTher at the 2021 edition of Nantes' Science festival:

Lab'Xperience: our "serious game"