


Created in 1999 in a high veterinary school, PAnTher combines fundamental and translational researchclinical activity and high-level training in an original organization/team where veterinarians, researchers and physicians cross-fertilize their expertises to promote excellence and innovation for human and animal health.

Our laboratory hosts a state-of-the art core facility in fluorescence bio-imaging and comparative pathology. The platform, in partnership with NeurATRIS, a National labelled infrastructure in Biology and Health, and Emerg'INRAE, a Research infrastructure for animal and zoonotic emerging infectious diseases, acts as a scientific expert on animal modelspathogenesis of infectious diseases, development of preclinical studies and innovative therapeutics assessment.


Innovate to better understand.


  • Integrity and ethics
  • Excellence and team spirit
  • Innovation and open-mindedness
  • Science with and for society
  • Respect and social commitment


Located at the gates of Nantes, PAnTher benefits from a scientific environment with a rich and internationally recognized history of pre-clinical and medical research in the fields of oncology, transplantation and cardiology.

PAnTher is ideally integrated within the Nantes Veterinary School and its universitary hospital, the Boisbonne Gene and Cell Therapy Research Center and the INRAE Animal Health Department to carry out its primary missions of fundamental and applied research for the benefit of human and animal health.

PAnTher deciphers the fundamental mechanisms underlying rare genetic diseases that affect the muscle and the central nervous system and their interface - the neuromuscular junction, advances scientific knowledge and provides resources for advanced medical applications. To carry out its research, teaching and innovation missions, the UMR relies on 3 essential assets:

  • an integrated research from gene to animal,
  • the implementation of multidisciplinary approaches based on "omics" analysis, microfluidics, biophysics, chemistry and nanotechnologies,
  • and a unique platform that combines the latest developments in bio-imaging with an internationally recognized expertise in comparative pathology.


Our APEX platform has been IBiSA certified since 2014.

All our pathologists are certified by the European Board Committee, thus providing EU regulations compliant services.


Scientific integrity

All members of PAnTher are committed to conduct their work following the best standards of scientific integrity and required to comply with the INRAE charter on ethics and scientific integrity.

Animal experiments

PAnTher considers animal well-being and ethical experiments conduct as major priorities. As a component of Nantes Veterinary School including veterinarians in our team, we carry out our work with a constant high-level awareness of these issues and a continuous improvement approach.

Any experiments on animals are approved by the French Government and carried out in compliance with the guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH publication no.85-24), the European Community Council Directive (2010/63/EU) and the 3R-rule principles. Animals are handled by trained and duly authorized staff members only.