Science Festival

Nantes' Science Festival 2021

PAnTher participated in the 2021 Nantes' Science Festival.


Immersed in a visual and playful environment, visitors were invited to explore biological structures and mechanisms. They lived a surprising experience where their emotions contributed to a discovery of the world of research in biology through images and games.

Our stand proposed two approaches. The first workshop, entitled "Emotion through images", was dedicated to the exploration of biological elements through imaging. Visitors were invited to observe mages of biological ensembles obtained with different types of microscopes. They discovered biological structures in tissues by exploring histological slides with a virtual microscope. The 2nd workshop, entitled "The emotion of discovery through games", proposed to discover a scientific theme developed in our laboratory, as well as the associated jobs, through the immersion in a serious game. A demonstration of the prototype of the game developed in our laboratory, Lab'Xperience, allowed visitors to appreciate and discover our research activities.